The beginning of this week was a struggle for me! Most of it was due to my attitude. I could blame tiredness, hormones, busyness, but really, I know that I have struggled because there has been a battle going on with my flesh and spirit! But God is so gracious, and He directs my paths. I came across a sermon by Greg Harris called Don't Waste Your Kids which I really needed to hear!
He was looking at Psalm 127:3-4
"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth." Psalm 127:3-4
I have never really thought of my children as being like arrows before. I have heard this verse many times, but not really contemplated what it is saying. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. My children are like arrows whom my husband and I need to prepare to be aimed at a target! In Old Testament days, arrows were handcrafted by warriors themselves. The arrowhead, needs to be combed and sharpened for maximum impact on the target. Greg Harris went into detail about in what areas children need to be sharpened in, and we are preparing them for the day when we will release them to the target.
The following ramblings are what I noted down from his sermon as I was listening to it.
As you release, you realise everything you have done is to release. No one stands around looking at the archer after the arrow has been taken off. Our homes are a launching pad, a bow, our contribution to our children’s future is a lifetime input. Being a good father is not at odds with being a good pastor or ministry. Family is a vehicle for ministry, not an obstacle. Everything about our lifestyle should be to influence our children. Our work, our hospitality, our tithes, offerings, they need to know the why. Our children need to be with us more of the time.
Talk with them, tell them stories, our children climb into our heart, they catch what we have, they need to be close enough to us to catch our enthusiasm. Train your children until you like them! Train them to be included in your life, preparing them to be part of the family team, God trains us in Hebrews 12 to be part of His holiness. God wants us to be part of His wonderful adventure of defeating and destroying the works of the devil. We have to train them so we won't hesitate to take them with us, to take them to important meetings, and be able to interact with other important people. Help your children meet the people that are the epitome of excellence. This partnership pays off in the long run. To succeed in child training is not to make them like you but to make them the best version of themselves that they can be.! When all of this is done the final scenario is described in Psalm 127: 5, they will not be put to shame when they are at the gates.
Listening to this sermon helped me with my attitude. I was particularly challenged to spend more time with my children. I am not very good at playing with my kids, I much rather do something with them, help them with craft, go for a walk, read them a book, or help them do a task. I know I need to include them so much more in what I do throughout my day. I will often tell them to go and play while I do my chores around the house. I know they want to be with me, but I am very task orientated, and it is so much easier to do things by myself!
But I was challenged to let them help me more, and to let them do things by themselves more. So I came up with the idea of a helping chart. 3 out of my 4 children are capable of helping at this stage so I made a list of helping chores that occur each day of the week and I rotate their names each day. Every day someone different gets breakfast ready for everyone. They ask what each family member would like and serves them before themselves. Another child helps me clean up the kitchen, do dishes etc. Then in the evening another child helps me with tea preparation, another setting the table, another kitchen and dinner clean up.
So far it has been working well - although its only been a few days! But they are so excited about helping, and alternating jobs and taking it in turns gives variety. And the best part about it, is I am spending that time with them, training them what to do, interacting with them and encouraging them in their work. I have also realised that with them doing the bulk of the work I would normally do, it frees me up to get other jobs done, and I don't feel under as much pressure, or feel guilty that I am doing tasks instead of spending time with my kids, because I am combining the two! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to treat them like little slaves and get them to do all my work so I don't have to do anything! But I do want to encourage them to help each other, to serve each other and take responsibility for each other and our home. After watching a show called the Nest, a 6 part reality show about adult children still living at home on SBS tonight, I am glad we are starting young in training them to not only be responsible for themselves, but to also serve each other. I just need to rely up on God each day to provide me lots of patience and wisdom from Him to train them in the way they should go.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Little helpers
Love Felicity at 4:22 PM
Labels: Being a Mother, Housework
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Oh how there is REST in Him as a mommy! May He saturate Us so that He can seep all over our precious little ones!
In September my husband, two daughters and I will be attending a 10-week missions training course in Mexico. This is our first step toward the goal of working as full-time missionaries in Nicaragua!
We're very excited, but the cost is a bit daunting.
I contacted some talented friends and collected some amazing prizes for a fundraising raffle! This is good stuff ladies and gentlemen!!
You can visit the contest directly by clicking here:
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