Monday, July 14, 2008

God gives us richly all things to enjoy

"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty,
nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God,
who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
Let them do good that they may be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share,
storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come,
that they may lay hold of eternal life."
1 Timothy 6:18-19

The past week I have been meditating on the above verse, how God has given us all things to richly to enjoy. Ever since I read Randy Alcorn's book, 'Money, Possessions and Eternity', my attitude towards money and the things of this world has changed. It taught me to 'not store up treasures on earth, but store up treasure in Heaven', it taught me to be more disciplined with my money to be able to walk away from 'a bargain', to take more care of the possessions I have - but to hold on to them loosely, it caused us to put a 'no junk mail' sign on our letterbox to take away any temptations to lust over and covet 'things' that we don't need, it has also taught us to give more, to look for opportunities to give generously and cheerfully.

But sometimes I feel guilty for having things. For the nice house we have, for the modern appliances we have, for good coffee and chocolate, for the healthy children we have. When I think about the billions of people in this world who have no place to call home, who have to wash their clothes in the river, who have never smelled coffee or chocolate, whose children are starving and dying of disease.

But God has given us these things to enjoy, I always want to be so careful that I don't take them for granted, and to realise that all I have is from Him. Its helpful to remember verse 19, to do good, to be ready to give, to be willing to share.

3 years ago when we the opportunity to build a house was set before us, I struggled through the decision. I prayed and journalled so diligently about it. At the end of the day, our driving reason for taking the step and building a bigger house was to use it for God. The way our house has been designed has been to allow opportunities to serve others. I try to decorate my house in a way that makes people feel welcomed, to be a place of refuge, peace, warmth, where there is a sense of the 'presence of God'. When I choose verses to write on my chalkboards, I usually choose ones that I need to be reminded of, but I also hope others will be encouraged by them too.

There are times when its hard for me to open up my home and I am not willing to do 'good' and to 'share', like when I am tired and just want to go to bed! But God always quickly reminds me that our home, is His home and He is the one who will give me the strength to serve and use it for His purpose, for His his glory.

As I enjoy my husband, my children, my family, my home, coffee and chocolates, I constantly need to be thankful to God for them, and to be willing to share them!

I encourage you to read Randy Alcorn's latest post on his blog 'Creator and Culture and anticipating a Redeemed Earth', he provides such a wonderful insight into the things of this world.


Jewelz said...

I love your house! It's so friendly, and I love it when we have youth suppers and Recharge at your house. Thankyou so much for being willing to open your house up for us all. :D