Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ignoring the dust and dirt!

I have been noticing a lot of dirt and dust around my house lately, and what I am realising is that it really doesn't bother me!

About a year before I had my first child I made the decision to leave a full time job to concentrate more on being a good wife, becoming more domesticated and to prepare myself for any future children! Naturally I am not a very domestic, clean or tidy person.

This was such a life changing decision for me. Without the pressure of full time work I was able to concentrate so much more on the things that were important to me, like God, my husband, ministry and my home. I absolutely loved being at home more, I grew to actually enjoy cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, etc.! I had to the time to learn new cleaning techniques, new recipes, and I grew to love decorating my house. So when my children came along, I felt somewhat prepared to be able to cope with looking after a husband, house and baby!

But... having said all this, come 4 children later, I am having to train myself again, only this time to ignore the dirt and dust! 7 years ago, I had to train myself to notice the dirt and dust, and now to ignore it??! It has taken me a few years to be able to sit on the couch and cuddle my children and not get distracted from enjoying the moment by noticing the dust on the bookshelf and dirt on the floor!

I grew up in a home that was not perfectly tidy or clean, in fact often it was a little messy, mostly due to the fact that my mother was unwell for a lot of my life at home. But I have never felt that my parents didn't love me or have time for me. My mother was always so willing to spend time with me, to help me in whatever I needed, she was always there for me. Housework, never seemed more important to her than me. I am so thankful for her example, for the sacrifices she made for us, for the way she was able to ignore the dust and dirt to be with us.

I pray that I can be the same for my children, that when they look back over their childhood they can say that I always had time for them. It is so very hard for me because I love to have a clean, nice looking house, but God is helping me to not notice the dirt and dust, and to trust in Him to provide a suitable opportunity to clean without robbing time I could be spending with my children.

A year ago I came across this little poem in an old Christian Women's recipe book and it is always such a challenge for me.

Change of schedule
I am learning that in household tasks
Perfection is not what is best;
To stop and share love of a child
May mean some dust upon a chest,
To help a friend who is in need
May mean that I must wash tomorrow,
But I can leave my clothes today
If I am called to lighten sorrow.
A schedule always can be changed
If there is comfort that it brings
Oh, let me never grow too weak,
Neglecting people for mere things.
Louise Darcy


Anonymous said...

Thank you Felicity,
I've printed out the poem and stuck in on the fridge.